Beloved's Blessings

Friday, June 25, 2010

Book Review: Bringing up Girls by Dr. James Dobson

          I have to confess that I squealed, yes squealed with delight when I learnt that I could review this book for my blog.  Then when my copy arrived I danced around the kitchen screeching, "It's here, it's here!" My children thought I had once again gone crazy.  I guess I have gone crazy because, I was crazy about Dr. Dobson's book "Bringing up Boys" and I'm even crazier about "Bringing up Girls".

Here is my review.

P.S: I cried while reading chapter 17 - you'll have to read it for yourself!

Bringing up Girls by Dr. James Dobson

           Dr. James Dobson has once again written a wonderful parenting book about raising up our children, this time focusing on those unique creatures, our daughters.  With all the challenges our girls face it can be a daunting task to think about raising these unique creatures in a world filled with so many hurdles like peer pressure, drugs, and sex.  It’s calming to see through the storm our girls face, while being guided by the competent words of Dr. Dobson.  

I recommend this book for parents and grandparents to read and learn about what your precious little girl is facing and how to prepare her for this battle of her life.  The facts and figures in this book are easy to understand and solidify the need to take action on your daughter’s behalf.  I love how Dr. Dobson joins the medical, social and spiritual aspects of how a young girl grows.  Bringing up Girls is a must read, if you have a daughter.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I need to mention that Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.  The opinions I express however are my own. Thank you.

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